Wow, I really didn't realize how much of a Holiday Hibernation I had taken until I received a couple of comments from readers - I really didn't know anyone was following.
I guess like everyone else, between the Holidays & the state of the economy I lost track of my personal comittment to keep my thoughts going. My shock at my absence and a question posed by a reader brought me to my topic. Not that the readers question was in direct relationship to the topic but anyway, here we go.
If cheap gas prices destroy our will and desire to explore and develop new fuel and energy sources - how much will this economy which is looking more like a virus based plague than an estate of a free culture, destory our desire to continue the science and collective reason which has become the science of natural health alternatives. One of my readers asked about Acai berry, found in powder extract but most prevalent in the drink market.
First, let me say that your assumption that I would know more about Acai than you maybe giving me way too much credit. Some studies show that the acai berry may fight cancer, increase energy, aid in weight loss and more. Probably because of its extemely concentrated antioxidant compounds as well as a host of other very benefical nutrients. But Acai has only been mainstream in alternative health for a little over 4 years. And mainstream in alternative health circles is still a way from mainstream America, most of which think that preventive medicine is a treadmill and a prescription. It, like Goji and other exotic fruits that all hit the states about the same time, have brought new options for health and while they have collectively gained the notoriety necessary to fund beginning research, that's where it is right now - promising but just the beginning. Is it Good for you - absolutely, better for you than orange juice - most assuredly, Do you get Health Bang for your Buck - it's worth the cost of a 60 day self trial to find out.
Go for it.
Meanwhile, trying to introduce Natural Health and Wellness to an ever growing populace of working poor who are struggling just to get buy will be as challenging as reviving a desire for more effort in developing independent and affordable fuel and energy while gas is so cheap. Both are going to take some very deliberate leadership.

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