No, I'm not talking about simple Karo Syrup, the corn syrup substitute in many kitchens for decades and any industry group that would try to convince you otherwise should be charged with criminal deception because they know its not true. In the 1970's High-Fructose Corn Syrup was developed along with other sweetners like Maltodextrine as cheaper alternatives to Cane Sugar. Since that time HFCS has found its way into almost all processed foods like soft drinks, and salad dressings, commercially made cakes and cookies, and breakfast cereals and brand name breads. What has been discovered over the years and the increase in its use is a direct correlation to consumption of HFCS and obesity, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Regular Cane Sugar has 50% fructose and 50% glucose. High-Fructose Corn Syrup can contain 80% fructose and 20% glucose, almost twice the fructose as sugar. Amazingly, both only have 4 calories per gram, that's not the problem, the problem arising in metobolism of excess amounts of fructose and the alarming increase in overall consumption. The potential direct consequences of excess dietary fructose consumption, as if the aforementioned diseases weren't enough, are: Accelerated aging, insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetic complications; - retinopathy (may lead to blindness), - Nephropathy (may lead to severe kidney disease, requiring chronic dialysis), - Neuropathy (may involve numbness, pain, impotence, speech impairment, loss of bladder control, etc..), Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, abnormally high blood uric acid levels in gout and bursitis and abnormally high triglyceride levels.
As continued use of this enzyme treated sweetner increases, more and more diseases are being connected to it. Avoid or reduce you daily intake of HFCS by avoiding soft drinks and reading food labels - Go Home Made - Haven't you wondered why we're seeing so many increases in diseases we haven't seen in the past?

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I really love everything made with HFCS, but if it's going to age me quicker that might not be so awesome. I look forward to reading your blog going forward.
Wow! Thanks for waking me out of my Holiday Hibernation. I will be more diligent now that I know somebody's actually reading.
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