Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Green tea may ease mental distress: Study
Green tea may ease mental distress: Study - L-Theanine the prominent amino acid found in Green Tea was overlooked in this study. Too bad, 125 - 250mg/d are recoginzed as effective in reducing stress and promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness or other side effects. No known contras indicated. I'm a little disapointed but they do acknowledge that this was not a study of constiuents of the nutrient itself but of daily drinking of the tea.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Olive oil component could avert Alzheimer’s
The more we study the many beneficial components of the Olive, the wisdom in health prevention :Olive oil component could avert Alzheimer’s
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Green tea extracts may slow smokers’ lung damage
With all the positive health findings for Green Tea Extract, especially when it comes to cancers, this really shouldn't suprise anyone.
Green tea extracts may slow smokers’ lung damage
Green tea extracts may slow smokers’ lung damage
Monday, October 19, 2009
Med diet cuts breast cancer risk in older women, says study
If you haven't explored the Mediterranian foods as I life style change - here's one more reason.
Med diet cuts breast cancer risk in older women, says study
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Med diet cuts breast cancer risk in older women, says study
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Chocolate passes clinical trial test for artery and heart health
Dark chocolate w/Blood Sugar regulator Cinnamin Bark could be the foundation for a wonderful daily supplement.
Chocolate passes clinical trial test for artery and heart health
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Chocolate passes clinical trial test for artery and heart health
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Quality Health doesn't come from a MLM or TV AD
I've been developing natural health products for many years. It never fails that at least once a quarter I get a call from someone looking for the latest, greatest, magic pill for whatever health concern - pick one. While I'm always polite and respectful, deep down I just want to say, "Hey stop trying to make a quick buck off peoples' health". Its no wonder many people have a bad impression of dietary supplements and natural health products, half the industry is full of people who care absolutely nothing about their overall health. That leaves the rest of us who do care, struggling against forces that just shouldn't be there. Here's a big red flag: Do not trust multi-level marketing or slick pre-paid TV programming with your health - your gonna lose; both health & finances. There are trememndous health benefits to be realized through the use of naturals - but there is no magic pill, and doesn't cost an arm and leg. In many cases, using naturals as a part of a preventive health program can be not only affordable, but a hugh cost savings in the long run. Consult a professional in the field, not someone who thinks they have the latest magic pill.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Okay, I'm Back - Health Reform
When I say I'm a Jeffersonian, what I mean is I question goverment regardless of party. I'm not necessarily an advocate of less government or a tenther (for 10th Amendent - Limited Government) as I heard someone called the other day. But I do think we have an obligation in a republic style democracy to question, discuss and debate all of our governments actions; Executive, Legislative, Judiscial, and especially Bureacratic alike and without blind allegience to those in government with a particular affilation.
We have a problem in America, we have the best health care system in the world - for those who can aford it. For those who can't but are successfully retired we have medicare, for those who can't aford it and live in poverty we have Medicaid and in Arkansas, ARKids - All of them are successful - very, try talking to any senior about it - its life or death. But we have nothing for the millions of working poor and working class as well as the small businesses that hire them. Oh, we have some meager stuff promoted by the business industry, but its - take or leave it, its not adequate.
Many of my fellow christians like to tout America as a "Christian" nation, I'm not convinced many of us who practice a faith in Christ are following it in our words and actions in this issue.
When FDR put forth the New Deal, there were cries of "Communism", "Socialism". Wonder what those seniors who are now benefiting from Medicare would say if someone said that if a public option's not good enough for the working poor - then it's not good enough for anyone else. - I wonder.....
We have a problem in America, we have the best health care system in the world - for those who can aford it. For those who can't but are successfully retired we have medicare, for those who can't aford it and live in poverty we have Medicaid and in Arkansas, ARKids - All of them are successful - very, try talking to any senior about it - its life or death. But we have nothing for the millions of working poor and working class as well as the small businesses that hire them. Oh, we have some meager stuff promoted by the business industry, but its - take or leave it, its not adequate.
Many of my fellow christians like to tout America as a "Christian" nation, I'm not convinced many of us who practice a faith in Christ are following it in our words and actions in this issue.
When FDR put forth the New Deal, there were cries of "Communism", "Socialism". Wonder what those seniors who are now benefiting from Medicare would say if someone said that if a public option's not good enough for the working poor - then it's not good enough for anyone else. - I wonder.....
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
HFCS: High Fructose Corn Syrup; Raises its ugly head again.
As if being suspected as leading cause of Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular disease, etc.., etc..., and so on weren't enough. Now comes more good news about this food additive: Mercury Poisoning.
Researchers at the Minnesota-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, found mercury in nearly half of fifty-five name brands purchased off the grocery store shelve - OoooH!
Apparently the FDA knew about the coorelation between mercury and HFCS, but decided levels were acceptable or something. Renee Dufault, the lead researcher in the new study, found mercury in 9 of 20 samples of HFCS she tested while she was still employed by the FDA.
The mercury that was found in HFCS is thought to have gotten there during the manufacturing process. Outdated techniques that use mercury cells to produce HFCS are apparantly still being used - mostly out of the US and Canada where the practice is supposed to be banned. But food manufacturers may be unaware that the HFCS their using is tainted.
There is no government oversight for mercury in foods other than fish.
Mercury and other toxins produce numerous adverse reactions in our bodies. The effects are pronounced, and include heart and auto-immune disease, allergies, high cholesterol and triglycerides, chemical sensitivity, antibiotic resistant infections, depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, leukemia just to name a few.
The term "toxin" refers to a host of agents, from heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, industrial pollutants, infectious agents, electrical pollutants, and ionizing radiation.
Be aware of all the things you eat, drink, and breathe.
Check this list http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ercia/07list.html for what to look for on labels.
It should be noted that Mercury cell chlor-alkali products are used to produce thousands of other products including food ingredients such as citric acid, sodium benzoate, and of course HFCS. The levels of mercury per gram of HFCS were 0.005 to 0.570 micrograms. The average daily consumption of HFCS is about 50 grams per person in the United States. With respect to total mercury exposure it may be necessary to account for this source of mercury in the diet of children and sensitive populations.
Source: Pubmed.com
Researchers at the Minnesota-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, found mercury in nearly half of fifty-five name brands purchased off the grocery store shelve - OoooH!
Apparently the FDA knew about the coorelation between mercury and HFCS, but decided levels were acceptable or something. Renee Dufault, the lead researcher in the new study, found mercury in 9 of 20 samples of HFCS she tested while she was still employed by the FDA.
The mercury that was found in HFCS is thought to have gotten there during the manufacturing process. Outdated techniques that use mercury cells to produce HFCS are apparantly still being used - mostly out of the US and Canada where the practice is supposed to be banned. But food manufacturers may be unaware that the HFCS their using is tainted.
There is no government oversight for mercury in foods other than fish.
Mercury and other toxins produce numerous adverse reactions in our bodies. The effects are pronounced, and include heart and auto-immune disease, allergies, high cholesterol and triglycerides, chemical sensitivity, antibiotic resistant infections, depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, leukemia just to name a few.
The term "toxin" refers to a host of agents, from heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, industrial pollutants, infectious agents, electrical pollutants, and ionizing radiation.
Be aware of all the things you eat, drink, and breathe.
Check this list http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ercia/07list.html for what to look for on labels.
It should be noted that Mercury cell chlor-alkali products are used to produce thousands of other products including food ingredients such as citric acid, sodium benzoate, and of course HFCS. The levels of mercury per gram of HFCS were 0.005 to 0.570 micrograms. The average daily consumption of HFCS is about 50 grams per person in the United States. With respect to total mercury exposure it may be necessary to account for this source of mercury in the diet of children and sensitive populations.
Source: Pubmed.com
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Breast Cancer: There is a Preventive Option
Get ready, I'm getting ready to do something the FDA won't let me do outside this Blog. I'm going to tell you that if you have indicators for Breast Cancer its time to get tough and don't just take a mamogram and call for help after the fact, because the fact is, and I do mean a fact, there is a natural substance that can cut your chances of developing breast cancer - Its called Indole-3-Carbinol.
Indole-3-Carbinol (I-3-C) is an isolated flavanoid from cruciferous vegatables like brocholli, clauiflower, brussels sprouts. So you think you eat your share of these vegatables everyday? Maybe, but highly unlikely. This derivative in proper dosages packs mother nature's punch x10,000.
The anticancer effects of indole-3-carbinol and its metabolite DIM (diindoylmethane) are the result of specific activities: inducing enzymes that metabolize carcinogens, enhancing DNA repair, inducing G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Indole-3-carbinol blocks estrogen receptor sites on the membranes of breast and other cells, thereby reducing the risk of cervical and breast cancer. Indole-3-carbinol increases the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and inhibits the 4-hydroxylation of estradiol. This is a favourable action of indole-3-carbinol because 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and 4-hydroxyestrone have carcinogenic action. The estrogen metabolite 2-hydroxyestrone has protective traits against several types of cancer. Studies with animals have demonstrated that indole-3-carbinol reduced the carcinogenic affects of aflatoxins. The influence of indole-3-carbinol on the development of prostate cancer is less clear. Most studies report protective effects but a few studies indicate that indole-3-carbinol may promote prostate cancer formation so men should use caution and talk to a professional first. Treatment of skin cancer cells with ultraviolet-B results in the apoptosis of their apoptosis, a favorable effect that seems to be stimulated by indole-3-carbinol. Some studies also show a beneficial effect on the treatment of skin cancer.
There is some debate regarding I-3-C campared to its metabolite DIM - but the bottom line is: if there's a chance: don't wait to see if Chemo and radiation will do the trick.
Get on offensive against this disease.
Indole-3-Carbinol (I-3-C) is an isolated flavanoid from cruciferous vegatables like brocholli, clauiflower, brussels sprouts. So you think you eat your share of these vegatables everyday? Maybe, but highly unlikely. This derivative in proper dosages packs mother nature's punch x10,000.
The anticancer effects of indole-3-carbinol and its metabolite DIM (diindoylmethane) are the result of specific activities: inducing enzymes that metabolize carcinogens, enhancing DNA repair, inducing G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Indole-3-carbinol blocks estrogen receptor sites on the membranes of breast and other cells, thereby reducing the risk of cervical and breast cancer. Indole-3-carbinol increases the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and inhibits the 4-hydroxylation of estradiol. This is a favourable action of indole-3-carbinol because 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and 4-hydroxyestrone have carcinogenic action. The estrogen metabolite 2-hydroxyestrone has protective traits against several types of cancer. Studies with animals have demonstrated that indole-3-carbinol reduced the carcinogenic affects of aflatoxins. The influence of indole-3-carbinol on the development of prostate cancer is less clear. Most studies report protective effects but a few studies indicate that indole-3-carbinol may promote prostate cancer formation so men should use caution and talk to a professional first. Treatment of skin cancer cells with ultraviolet-B results in the apoptosis of their apoptosis, a favorable effect that seems to be stimulated by indole-3-carbinol. Some studies also show a beneficial effect on the treatment of skin cancer.
There is some debate regarding I-3-C campared to its metabolite DIM - but the bottom line is: if there's a chance: don't wait to see if Chemo and radiation will do the trick.
Get on offensive against this disease.
Breast Cancer,
Friday, February 27, 2009
Theaflavins: One more natural bullet in your preventive health pistol.
The health benefits of Green Tea have grabbed all the publicity over the last couple of years, even though many alternative and complimentry medicine practitioners utilized Green Tea for many years prior to its popularity swing. Hopefully it will not face another farce of a study like the one conducted years ago on Ginkgo Bilboa - six weeks, 100 people - and if it hadn't been such a travesty to a good medicinal herb - we'd all be laughing that any reputable institution would have even thought to publish it. Granted Ginkgo's tremendous popularity as a mind powder/clarity enhancer made it a big target of every Pharma funded institution in the U.S.. It still is as good a vaso-dialator (one of the few that provide blood to the brain - thus the reputation.) and should be a apart of any preventive health program.
But hold on, it appears Green Tea's traditional cousin Black Tea has revealed compounds known as Theaflavins that possess a unique ability to regulate the genes that produce inflammatory cytokines and other toxic factors related to degenerative disease and aging.
Theaflavin's are unlike the flavanoid epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is found in Green Tea and its ability to prevent disease. Theaflavin works in a process known as nutrigenomics, which is the science of dietary control of genetic expression. These Theaflavin extracts work to active genes which reduce the damage of inflammation-based diseases such as cancer, cariovascular disease, diabetes, and others.
As more is explored, let me just say this, drink a variety of Teas - The more we learn the more promising they look.
But hold on, it appears Green Tea's traditional cousin Black Tea has revealed compounds known as Theaflavins that possess a unique ability to regulate the genes that produce inflammatory cytokines and other toxic factors related to degenerative disease and aging.
Theaflavin's are unlike the flavanoid epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is found in Green Tea and its ability to prevent disease. Theaflavin works in a process known as nutrigenomics, which is the science of dietary control of genetic expression. These Theaflavin extracts work to active genes which reduce the damage of inflammation-based diseases such as cancer, cariovascular disease, diabetes, and others.
As more is explored, let me just say this, drink a variety of Teas - The more we learn the more promising they look.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Guest Writer Weighs In: Medical Bias
I liked what Dr. Jim Fain had to say about this issue so much that I just had to get him to let me post it ver batim. We need to lead the blind to the truth with Facts, nothing but the Facts.
Medical Bias Plus Benefits of NAC
Jim Fain, PhD
The Natural Way Column Published 2/04/09 -The Lovely County Citizen
Can you imagine that the MD who writes a health column for the big newspaper basically believes supplementation to be useless, potentially harmful and irrational? Amazing isn't it that this sort of bias still exists and comes from a well educated science based professional. Trouble is his opinion still carries a lot of weight especially for those who don't think for themselves. Contrast this with what I found about the nutritional supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine also called NAC.
Over 10,000 published scientific studies came up when I did a search on PubMed for N-Acetyl Cysteine. You just can't say that using NAC is useless or irrational in all due respect to the MD columnist. I couldn't find anything that said it was harmful either. Rather, I found that it was very helpful for a very wide range of ailments and also for the prevention of some major illnesses.
Obviously, I didn't read every one of the 10,000 plus listings on PubMed but just listing the first two pages was an eye opener. NAC has been shown to have benefit for reducing tissue damage to the heart, radiation damage, surgical complications, X-ray contrast dye damage to the kidneys and for what's called pathologic gambling. To me, if it helps reduce pathologic gambling then it should reduce most other compulsions like smoking, spending, eating, etc. PubMed showed NAC beneficial for emphysema (COPD), bronchitis, cocaine abuse, lead and cadmium detox and overdose of Tylenol (R) aka acetaminophen. In terms of disease malaria, hepatitis C and HIV had studies done showing a profound impact. For instance, one study I read said that people exposed to HIV who had enough NAC and selenium in their systems didn't get the disease. This is important. NAC has anti-cancer benefits, too. I take two capsules (1200mg)/day with selenium and molybdenum. I'm 56 almost 57... just try to keep up with me.
MDs across the globe are aware of NAC. Many of the studies were done in people as well as in laboratories. The studies were not done with the intention of proving NAC as a prescription as it is a natural supplement and frankly wouldn't make big pharma much money. NAC is in the amino family group of natural health supplements. After digestion it does create glutathione in our liver. If we supplement with glutathione it has to be "reduced" and it isn't as effective as taking NAC and producing our own in our own system. NAC becomes a powerful antioxidant that our bodies need in order to stay healthy and to reduce negatives of living. Especially, the negatives of living that come with excess.
Deciding to take action to improve our lives and health with supplements isn't useless, necessarily harmful and certainly isn't irrational, in fact taking care of yourself with good supplement choice may be one of best things you can do.
Jim Fain, PhD can be reached at 866-210-1264 toll free - Fain’s Herbacy, Eureka Springs, AR
Medical Bias Plus Benefits of NAC
Jim Fain, PhD
The Natural Way Column Published 2/04/09 -The Lovely County Citizen
Can you imagine that the MD who writes a health column for the big newspaper basically believes supplementation to be useless, potentially harmful and irrational? Amazing isn't it that this sort of bias still exists and comes from a well educated science based professional. Trouble is his opinion still carries a lot of weight especially for those who don't think for themselves. Contrast this with what I found about the nutritional supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine also called NAC.
Over 10,000 published scientific studies came up when I did a search on PubMed for N-Acetyl Cysteine. You just can't say that using NAC is useless or irrational in all due respect to the MD columnist. I couldn't find anything that said it was harmful either. Rather, I found that it was very helpful for a very wide range of ailments and also for the prevention of some major illnesses.
Obviously, I didn't read every one of the 10,000 plus listings on PubMed but just listing the first two pages was an eye opener. NAC has been shown to have benefit for reducing tissue damage to the heart, radiation damage, surgical complications, X-ray contrast dye damage to the kidneys and for what's called pathologic gambling. To me, if it helps reduce pathologic gambling then it should reduce most other compulsions like smoking, spending, eating, etc. PubMed showed NAC beneficial for emphysema (COPD), bronchitis, cocaine abuse, lead and cadmium detox and overdose of Tylenol (R) aka acetaminophen. In terms of disease malaria, hepatitis C and HIV had studies done showing a profound impact. For instance, one study I read said that people exposed to HIV who had enough NAC and selenium in their systems didn't get the disease. This is important. NAC has anti-cancer benefits, too. I take two capsules (1200mg)/day with selenium and molybdenum. I'm 56 almost 57... just try to keep up with me.
MDs across the globe are aware of NAC. Many of the studies were done in people as well as in laboratories. The studies were not done with the intention of proving NAC as a prescription as it is a natural supplement and frankly wouldn't make big pharma much money. NAC is in the amino family group of natural health supplements. After digestion it does create glutathione in our liver. If we supplement with glutathione it has to be "reduced" and it isn't as effective as taking NAC and producing our own in our own system. NAC becomes a powerful antioxidant that our bodies need in order to stay healthy and to reduce negatives of living. Especially, the negatives of living that come with excess.
Deciding to take action to improve our lives and health with supplements isn't useless, necessarily harmful and certainly isn't irrational, in fact taking care of yourself with good supplement choice may be one of best things you can do.
Jim Fain, PhD can be reached at 866-210-1264 toll free - Fain’s Herbacy, Eureka Springs, AR
Dr. Jim Fain,
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Priorities of Health in today's American Lifestyle
I live in a beautiful place. For those of you who do not know where Fayetteville, Arkansas is, or for that matter, have never heard of the place, take my word for it, Fayetteville is truly one of those special communities in America. If I had to make a summary description, I would say 1 part Arkansan, 1 part Rockwell with a splash of Warhol & Einstein. But even in this most progressive of Arkansas communities, prevention and wellness are not part of many of my beloved neighbors health priorities. Arkansas as a whole just needs to pick up the paper and read its collective health statitistics on Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Cancer to realize that whatever it is we are doing - ain't working.
That's not to say we're not trying, we're taxing tobacco, and other vices to help pay for a Trauma Center that is desparately needed in our state, and I suppose some of the money will most likely end up going toward post incident healthcare, and that will just add to the existing crisis that is healthcare in Amercia and most certainly Arkansas. The tobacco tax is two steps forward and the path the money could take is possibly one step back. Why? Because you will not ever be able to pay for the expense of today's healthcare on the back end. It's like trying to payoff one of those high interest credit cards with an income that can't keep up with the interest - you can't get there from here.
But there is hope, from Northwest Arkansas, Senator Bill Pritchard is leading the charge to divert some of the money to Substance Abuse, which is preventive -paying on the front end, common sense. Leave it to an old country boy from Washington County to understand the "pay me now or pay me later" of health and wellness. If he's successful and I pray he is, he may well have played the biggest role in reducing economic drain of healthcare costs to the state of Arkansas than any one leader in decades.
I had heard a rumor that there would be a bill introduced to tax energy drinks, you know those super sugar, caffeinated, amino-herbal abused drinks the kids (and many adults) are so crazy about. These are the same products many in my profession know are the next big precursor for any number of neuro-metabolic diseases to come. So at a political forum with all of the Washington Co. legislators hosted by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce and the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, I waited until I thought that all the questions regarding the hottest topics had been asked and then very hesitantly inquired if any of our Representatives or Senators had heard of any such bill being filed or proposed. They were all very polite, even though the question received some light hearted snickering in the audience, but none had heard anything regarding such a bill.
That's too bad, because such a tax on this scurge of products in this particular market segment could easily be used to help alleviate a host of future medical problems and increased costs. One thing is for sure, I believe Governor Mike Beebe will continue his work in prevention. His wife has taken on a number of health issues facing this state. Maybe one day we'll see funding for Community Wellness centers as well as Community Health Clinics as a way of reducing pressure on our Healthcare system. Pay me now - or pay me later, it really is that simple.
That's not to say we're not trying, we're taxing tobacco, and other vices to help pay for a Trauma Center that is desparately needed in our state, and I suppose some of the money will most likely end up going toward post incident healthcare, and that will just add to the existing crisis that is healthcare in Amercia and most certainly Arkansas. The tobacco tax is two steps forward and the path the money could take is possibly one step back. Why? Because you will not ever be able to pay for the expense of today's healthcare on the back end. It's like trying to payoff one of those high interest credit cards with an income that can't keep up with the interest - you can't get there from here.
But there is hope, from Northwest Arkansas, Senator Bill Pritchard is leading the charge to divert some of the money to Substance Abuse, which is preventive -paying on the front end, common sense. Leave it to an old country boy from Washington County to understand the "pay me now or pay me later" of health and wellness. If he's successful and I pray he is, he may well have played the biggest role in reducing economic drain of healthcare costs to the state of Arkansas than any one leader in decades.
I had heard a rumor that there would be a bill introduced to tax energy drinks, you know those super sugar, caffeinated, amino-herbal abused drinks the kids (and many adults) are so crazy about. These are the same products many in my profession know are the next big precursor for any number of neuro-metabolic diseases to come. So at a political forum with all of the Washington Co. legislators hosted by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce and the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, I waited until I thought that all the questions regarding the hottest topics had been asked and then very hesitantly inquired if any of our Representatives or Senators had heard of any such bill being filed or proposed. They were all very polite, even though the question received some light hearted snickering in the audience, but none had heard anything regarding such a bill.
That's too bad, because such a tax on this scurge of products in this particular market segment could easily be used to help alleviate a host of future medical problems and increased costs. One thing is for sure, I believe Governor Mike Beebe will continue his work in prevention. His wife has taken on a number of health issues facing this state. Maybe one day we'll see funding for Community Wellness centers as well as Community Health Clinics as a way of reducing pressure on our Healthcare system. Pay me now - or pay me later, it really is that simple.
AR; Tobacco Tax; Prevention,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The economy of Health & Wellness
Wow, I really didn't realize how much of a Holiday Hibernation I had taken until I received a couple of comments from readers - I really didn't know anyone was following.
I guess like everyone else, between the Holidays & the state of the economy I lost track of my personal comittment to keep my thoughts going. My shock at my absence and a question posed by a reader brought me to my topic. Not that the readers question was in direct relationship to the topic but anyway, here we go.
If cheap gas prices destroy our will and desire to explore and develop new fuel and energy sources - how much will this economy which is looking more like a virus based plague than an estate of a free culture, destory our desire to continue the science and collective reason which has become the science of natural health alternatives. One of my readers asked about Acai berry, found in powder extract but most prevalent in the drink market.
First, let me say that your assumption that I would know more about Acai than you maybe giving me way too much credit. Some studies show that the acai berry may fight cancer, increase energy, aid in weight loss and more. Probably because of its extemely concentrated antioxidant compounds as well as a host of other very benefical nutrients. But Acai has only been mainstream in alternative health for a little over 4 years. And mainstream in alternative health circles is still a way from mainstream America, most of which think that preventive medicine is a treadmill and a prescription. It, like Goji and other exotic fruits that all hit the states about the same time, have brought new options for health and while they have collectively gained the notoriety necessary to fund beginning research, that's where it is right now - promising but just the beginning. Is it Good for you - absolutely, better for you than orange juice - most assuredly, Do you get Health Bang for your Buck - it's worth the cost of a 60 day self trial to find out.
Go for it.
Meanwhile, trying to introduce Natural Health and Wellness to an ever growing populace of working poor who are struggling just to get buy will be as challenging as reviving a desire for more effort in developing independent and affordable fuel and energy while gas is so cheap. Both are going to take some very deliberate leadership.
I guess like everyone else, between the Holidays & the state of the economy I lost track of my personal comittment to keep my thoughts going. My shock at my absence and a question posed by a reader brought me to my topic. Not that the readers question was in direct relationship to the topic but anyway, here we go.
If cheap gas prices destroy our will and desire to explore and develop new fuel and energy sources - how much will this economy which is looking more like a virus based plague than an estate of a free culture, destory our desire to continue the science and collective reason which has become the science of natural health alternatives. One of my readers asked about Acai berry, found in powder extract but most prevalent in the drink market.
First, let me say that your assumption that I would know more about Acai than you maybe giving me way too much credit. Some studies show that the acai berry may fight cancer, increase energy, aid in weight loss and more. Probably because of its extemely concentrated antioxidant compounds as well as a host of other very benefical nutrients. But Acai has only been mainstream in alternative health for a little over 4 years. And mainstream in alternative health circles is still a way from mainstream America, most of which think that preventive medicine is a treadmill and a prescription. It, like Goji and other exotic fruits that all hit the states about the same time, have brought new options for health and while they have collectively gained the notoriety necessary to fund beginning research, that's where it is right now - promising but just the beginning. Is it Good for you - absolutely, better for you than orange juice - most assuredly, Do you get Health Bang for your Buck - it's worth the cost of a 60 day self trial to find out.
Go for it.
Meanwhile, trying to introduce Natural Health and Wellness to an ever growing populace of working poor who are struggling just to get buy will be as challenging as reviving a desire for more effort in developing independent and affordable fuel and energy while gas is so cheap. Both are going to take some very deliberate leadership.
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